Thursday, May 29, 2014

Touch Math Cards

This school year I have been using Touch Math extensively in my classroom with a lot of success. So I thought I would share how we have made our own materials.

I had each of my students in my class make their own flashcards to use to learn the Touch Math system of touching dots.  You will need:
  • Colour Coding Labels - small circle stickers
  • White Reinforcements - before starting the activity I coloured them with various Sharpies to have them stand out on the white paper
  • Flashcards for #1-9 - you can see a set here (you need a free membership to access)

I gave each student a set of flashcards that I had pre-cut for them.  Then each student had the chance to choose which colours they wanted to use, my only rule was it could not be the same for the dots and the reinforcements.  Luckily it all worked out and everyone received the colours they wanted.
I then showed my set of cards and I had the students copy me in placing the dots and rings for each number.  I laminated them and we have been using them all year.

 One student came into my class just starting to add using Touch Math.  This week he has been using Touch Math strategies to add 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping and to subtract two digit numbers with and without regrouping.  
Two students came into my class never having used Touch Math and through the Touch Math App, by creating our own Touch Math Flashcards and using flashcards without the dots.  Both of these students are now adding numbers up to 18. 

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